Friday, January 25, 2008

Submarine Dream

This is all for you Kopana!

"In this dream I'm at work, just like normal, and everything is running normally. I'm sitting in my little room doing quality control on all these old negatives. Suddenly there is a commotion in the adjoining room where all the newspaper project student employees work on aligning columns and whatnot on the digital simulacrum. So, there is this disturbance and I leave my workstation and walk into the other room to find Kopana (my awesome boss) and Wendel (the newspaper's project boss... he's awesome too) restraining this blond girl at one of the work stations. This isn't anyone I know, just a blond student with big white teeth. So they start binding her hands together with clothes-hanging line as well as her feet. On her computer screen was the Facebook webpage and she didn't even have ZoomMan open. ZoomMan is the program the students use to map out the newspaper columns. They explain that this is what happens to students who aren't productive. So they take her up and drag her up a flight of stairs and then up a ladder through a port hole. Apparently, our digital library/lab is in the middle of a submarine. The sub isn't submerged though, its riding above the surface like a boat would. So we all (all the other students) follow the bosses up to the equivalent of a deck and past a long row of cars. When we come to work we park our cars on top of the sub. Interestingly enough, we all drive very expensive cars, several of them were like "Pimp My Ride" style Hummers. On the wages we work for... there is no way in hell we would be able to afford those cars. So the bosses drag her past all the cars, outfit her in a life ring, and then just push her off the submarine to just float in the ocean. We gave her rations of course; we tied another life ring with food attached to it to hers. As fate would have it, a shark comes along and swallows the rations life ring and goes under with it. This pulls her ring underneath as well. She manages to make it back up to the surface however before the shark comes back to her and pulls her under.
I told this to the people at work. Kopana laughed really hard and thinks we should make a photo of a student getting eaten by a shark and post it on the sides of all the computers. "This is what happens to unproductive students!" it would read."

and to Kathyrn, I'll post the one about the "Raptors sent from Heaven dream" you and Jack were in on Monday when we get back.

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