Friday, March 14, 2008

Blue 2.0 Weeks 7 and 8 (posted during 9 and 10 :) )

So I'm still playing catch up.. even though I've actually done enough of the assignments for weeks 7 and 8 already.

Today I've had some more free time because the servers are so full they went read-only... I hope the guy who fixes this stuff gets his butt in here and does something about it. When the server isn't working... it really halts our production. But since I've got freetime I'm blogging.

So I played around with the avatar stuff a lil. I've never come across an avatar generator that I've been pleased with. Tried the Simpsons one on the blue2.0 blog first. NOT happy at all. Not only do they not have my hair, they also don't have my beard. Doesn't help that the body types don't have anything for someone who is overweight but only a lil so. The homer simpson body is not for me. The LEGO avatar was a lil better... you're already limited by body type so there isn't much you can do on that front. Interestingly though, they have like.. bdsm accessories for the LEGO characters.. I found that mildly amusing. OH and forget the picasso one...

One of the assingments was to edit a wiki. Well truth be told, I edit a wiki everyday at work already it seems like. Especially so today, Zemkat had me look over an activities page on our wiki and I went through it step by step. Its much easier that that stupid PB wiki program... btw.. I'm sick and tired of getting emails from them.. I wish there were more assignments where I didn't have to register to use their programs!!!!! Where was I.. oh yes, editing wikis. So I was watching Absolutely Fabulous over at Digibob's and there was a reference to a female british writer I had never heard of. So I looked her up on wikipedia... on that page there was a "referenced in pop culture" section and low and behold there was no information that she had been referenced on AbFab... so naturally I edited it to be included.

I've also been using, and I have been using it for about the last 3 months. Its alright, I prefer to actually use, but I can't complain to much... I just wish it still had cam features and the send file...

K jumping off this and gonna drive to Lou.

1 comment:

Becky Ryder said...

ditto the pbwiki comments; so this is what happens when the server is down..... :D

i'll prolly finish 2.0 on sabbatical if at all. I haven't gone beyond the wiki thing, and I found that rather difficult.